Find Freedom
Most businesses in Switzerland are closed on Sunday. Some might find this to be an inconvenience, but I appreciate the Swiss attitude. Sunday is a day for rest and rejuvenation. Whether you are religious or not, it's an opportunity to slow down and, of course, an excellent excuse to get out and enjoy the great outdoors.
Every week, we plan out a few ideas for our next Sunday walk but it is pretty rare that we actually make a final decision until the morning of. Arguably, this is not very Swiss of us… Most Swiss I know operate on a precise timetable that rivals the punctuality of an expensive watch, but the weather here in the Berner Oberland can be a bit temperamental. Over the course of writing this paragraph, it has gone from pouring rain outside with clouds so low, it looks like Dementors might attack to near brilliant sunshine!
So, on a semi-regular basis, we post about our Sunday outings, how to get there, and when they might be a good option for your next trip. I hope they give you some ideas for how to escape the crowds and enjoy the beauty of the Berner-Oberland